Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

May 22 2008


The editing of the film is wrapping up, I’m happy to say, at least in that I think I’ve done all I can do with what I have at this point. The movie’s still over two hours, but not by too much. Titles still need to be added, of course, front and back. Since we don’t have the cast and crew of thousands that most Hollywood movies use, both should be fairly short.

Right now I’m working on the fight scenes, which are an entirely different problem. The fight scene in Clay Soldiers was the biggest challenge to pull off in any kind of convincing fashion, and it also caused the most rancor within our group as well as by critics of the film. I’ve learned a bit from the last one, and hopefully this time around will be smoother, but we are still hampered by the same limitations as last time. My job in the editing is to hide all of these problems without making it look like I’m hiding anything. It’s not easy.

Another thing we need are establishing shots for the various locations we have around the globe. Dean and I were chatting online and discussed possibly utilizing Flickr’s new video capabilities to look for such footage. Basically, we need some footage of a Central/South American city at night and a Middle Eastern city by day.

We also discussed what we both basically agree is a good final title for the film, which is a relief as none of the placeholders we’ve been using so far have really inspired me. I won’t say what it is yet as we’re still mulling it over, but I think we’ve got our title.

So there’s a light, I guess, that could be the end of the tunnel. It’s time we started to climb in any case.

posted by Poagao at 3:57 am  

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