7/9 park
It’s been ages since I practiced. Last night I finally had some time to go to class in Yonghe. Another new guy was there, along with Guo, Weeble, Little Mountain Pig and Teacher X. Surpriginly, LMP was wearing shoes.
I loosened up and went through the empty-handed form, or what I remember of it, a few times. Then Weeble and I practiced. He’s realized that the only way that he can improve is by avoiding the sudden violent acts he used to spring on his opponents, which is a hopeful sign.
I was really tired and didn’t offer much resistance anyway. I then practiced with the new guy, whose name is Lai. Mostly I stood in front of him and waited for him to loose balance and fall over, but that’s the way it usually is at first.
When I’m resting, I always pick and crush some of the plant leaves on the border of the park, as I like their scent. I asked Weeble if it was mint, but he said no. Weeble works at a baozi stand, so he should know. If I find out what plant it is, I’d like to buy some for my place.
while you’re waiting to find out what plant it is, why not try propagating it? just snap off a bit, stick it in some dirt, and give it water. if it’s like mint, it will respond. sometimes it will look like it’s beyond hope but some plants have extraordinary chi. other times it is beyond hope.
thanks again for blogging about everyone’s favorite topic!
Comment by counterpart — July 12, 2008 @ 12:02 pm