Six years
Happy 6th blogiversary to me! It’s not hard to believe that it’s been six years since I started this thing, as so much has happened, but you’ve been reading the whole time and don’t need me to go into it now, right? Right?
In other news, the site may be down temporarily over the next couple of days. I’m upgrading my hosting and will have to re-upload everything.
congrats! keep up the good work.
Comment by Dre — April 25, 2007 @ 10:33 am
I like the new design. The main page looks fantastic. The dates above the posts look oddly familiar…cough http://www.frostfox.com/blog cough….
Comment by Frostfox — May 4, 2007 @ 5:10 pm
Yeah, they look better on your site than mine, and I should modify them somehow to make them more distinct from the ones on your page. But I still think they’re cool.
Comment by admin — May 7, 2007 @ 10:07 pm