Well, I thought Episode 4 was done, but I got seve…
Well, I thought Episode 4 was done, but I got several emails from the EPs today saying the encoding wasn’t working. They’re using Macs, and Apple doesn’t recognize the Canopus codec without a special setup I guess. Of course, once I had walked over to Vincent’s company with a sample, borrowed their portable hard drive, re-encoded the show with the new codec, and transferred it onto the drive, I got an email from the EP’s that they had solved the problem on their end. So much for working on Episode 5 today, with the exception of updating some effects shots during lunch. I have to get that in by the 26th, or five days before it premieres on July 1st. Darrell already has a copy, but I need to get him an updated one, though we’re still working on the split, i.e. the opening scene for this episode since we’ve split it in half.
It’s been muggy again lately. I stayed up until after 3am last night tweaking footage and doing the poster. Then I went to bed, and got up about an hour or so later to go film the sunrise. The weather looked like it was going to cooperate, but at the last minute a cloud bank obscured the sun. I went downstairs and was chatting with the guard when a big BMW drove up. An incredibly thin, scantily dressed girl got out and greeted the guard as she walked inside. Once the elevator doors had closed, I wanted to ask the guard the girl’s story, but I didn’t know quite how to put it. “So she’s a….” I started.
“Yeah, she is,” he replied. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
“Are there many girls like that living in this building?” I’d noticed several here and there but I didn’t know how many.
“Quite a few,” the guard said, confirming my suspicions. “They always say hello to us guards so that we can’t ask what they’re up to. Like we’re going to ask them that!” he chuckled.
I chatted with him a bit more, mostly about the noisy dancing women, before coming back up and trying to get some sleep, but I didn’t feel much like sleeping after a particularly bad nightmare. It wasn’t the kind that is so scary it shocks you awake; it was worse in that it was the kind of thing that is just disturbing enough, not in a shocking way but rather manifesting itself in a deep, penetrating fear that keeps you inside of it.
So I got about an hour of sleep. And now it’s after 1am, and I still have more to do. I’m tired, but I’m not overly eager to go to sleep again. Perhaps a bit more tweaking is in order…