I just got this email from Triggerstreet: Dear …
I just got this email from Triggerstreet:
Dear Poagao,
Your review, “Don’t know what to think” has been through the
arraignment process of the Hall of Justice and voted that it should go
before the jury for possible deletion due to potential review violations.
Deletion of reviews or submissions by the jury will have a drastic
effect on your member status and could jeopardize your membership. If you
would like to write a defense, you have 72 hours from the time this was
voted on (Thursday, March 13, 2003 – 8:32 PM) to click on the following
link and give your statement:
Thank you,
TriggerStreet.com Support
Holy Senate Investigation Committee Batman! I knew that Triggerstreet was going downhill, instituting a whole range of senseless rules and regulations, but I never thought they would go this far! I’m at a loss as to how to ‘defend’ myself. Any suggestions? As I’ve felt fairly free to express myself in my reviews on that site in the past, I expect a whole lot more of these mails in the near future.
The review? Nothing nearly as rude and vicious as I had expected:
Don’t know quite what to think
Re: Sick Call
I read the FAQ and downloaded Realplayer One just to watch this, but it still looked like a slide show to me. It could have been an ok film…the music was uninspiring. I think the idea was good…from what I could tell the actor did a good job, but I can’t really comment on the editing because of the frame rate. — December 19, 2002 – 10:11 AM
And finally, the complaint itself: Complains about reviewing a slide show. The film was not a slide show and obviously not downloaded by realplayer correctly and not correctly reviewed.