I helped film a corporate interview for Citibank t…
I helped film a corporate interview for Citibank this afternoon at the Fubon building on Renai Road. Classy offices with high-tech stainless-steel blinds, rows of white cubicles separated by doors with electronic locking devices. The audio connection but a bit dodgy and we had to refilm bits afterwards, but all in all it went smoothly enough. I wouldn’t mind doing more of this kind of work if it is profitable enough, and it seems to be, based on this experience and the work Darrell, Tall Paul, Da Shan and I did a few months ago. This time around I was just helping out Tobie, a production guy who works at ULead and does freelance stuff. Tobie also happens to be friends with a woman who just got back from filming a documentary about the Palestinians. This woman is a good friend of Peter Mah, who worked with me at the newspaper, and now has a website featuring his photography and other interesting stuff. Small world. Well, big world, small island.
I noticed on the MRT today that they’ve slowed down the English part of the station announcements, making the normally ordinary woman’s voice so lethargic it borders on androgeny. I wonder, were people complaining that she was speaking too quickly? From what I remember, the Hong Kong MTR didn’t resort to such measures. Then again, the MTR also pronounced the Cantonese names with ridiculous ‘foreign’ accents, a practice the MRT here thankfully gave up a long time ago after people like Maoman went and complained to Mayor Ma about it.
Here we go again: I am loath to turn on the TV because I know it’s going to be full of anxious-looking newscasters repeating over and over how they don’t know how much peril everyone might be in because some asshat ‘doctor’ went and infected himself with SARS. The ‘doctor’ lives in Xindian (of course), and some of my friends have been telling me not to “walk around chaotically”, but when I ask them exactly how I’m supposed to do that, they can’t exactly say. All I know is that if I am walking around and encounter members of the ‘doctor’s family who should be in quarantine but decided to go shopping instead (asshats tend to beget other asshats, says Darwin), I will put on a mask, gloves and a surgical suit before knocking them on their asses and kicking them in front of one of the many gravel trucks that frequent the Bei-yi highway. Harsh? Maybe, but I’m sure the government will help reimburse the gravel truck drivers for any damage their trucks may sustain.