Episode 4 is now up on the Lady X website. Go chec…
Episode 4 is now up on the Lady X website. Go check it out. Of course it’s work-safe, though everyone seems to assume that it’s pr0n of some kind (Ernie thinks “Dolly Deng” is the absolute best name for a Chinese woman EVAR, btw). In the meantime, I need to get Episode 5 finished, which means the final editing touches, working with Darrell on music, sounds, etc., and one more special effect that Dean is working on at the moment. Dean, Dolly, Maurice and I took some publicity shots at Dean’s place on Saturday, and then we went down to Darrell’s place to do some looping, made necessary by high wind noise out in Sanchong. The looping, which I’ve never done before, went very smoothly, and we were done after about an hour.
I met up with Rowan and Dean at Juke on Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, it seems that the scene we shot with Rowan and Norman won’t be in the Internet version of Lady X, as their scene, although a good, solid scene, is around four minutes long. We’ll put it in the DVD version instead. This is apparently not the first time either Rowan or Norman has had footage left on the cutting room floor, but there’s nothing I can do about the time limits. After a long, coffee-laden lunch, Dean went home and I chatted with Rowan for a couple of hours on the sidewalk before walking home.
The manager in charge of our office at work has decided that he likes it better with the window open than with the air conditioning on. During the whole SARS thing, he had an excuse for doing this, but now the workers are rebelling. One woman who sits near the door complained to him today that all of the other offices are using their A/C, why can’t we? The manager, who happens to sit right next to the window, insisted on keeping it open and the air off. Fortunately I have a little electric fan left over from my days at the News I can prop up on my desk, but it only cools one side of me at a time. And the forcast, of course, is for high temperatures this week. Maybe I should go in to work in shorts and a wife-beater, you know, as a subtle hint. Something tells me, however, that nobody would make the connection. “Oh, that crazy foreigner!” is probably the only thing that would come to their minds.
Speaking of crazy, does anyone know how to truly get rid of Download Accelerator? I uninstalled the thing as it was screwing up my computer, but it’s like trying to break up with a clingy ex, and now both of my browsers still give me “Couldn’t load Download Accelerator, please click ‘back'” messages all the time. Grrr.