Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Apr 30 2002

Last night after work I accompanied a few of my co…

Last night after work I accompanied a few of my co-workers, including my chunky cubicle-mates Kit and Bochuan, up to the rooftop gardens and wishing well. The weather was nice, and we could watch the sunset reflected off of nearby office buildings as we sat and chatted about earthquakes and the upcoming company trip. We were pondering which destinations we would be offered. There was one package to Greece and one to Bali, but both apparently have been cancelled for some reason. I’ll probably go for the cheapest trip off the island, whatever that is.

Vampire Music of The Day: Polka!

Last night, Ben and I determined, while simultaneously watching fat American tourists waddle around rumbling SUVs driving down Bourbon Street via webcam (viva technology!), that my turtles are all Red-eared Sliders, aka Trachemys Scripta Elegans or “Dimestore Turtles” because they are so common. I bought a couple of fish to put in the plastic box with Office Turtle today. He can play hide-and-seek with them if he gets bored, or eat them if he gets hungry, whatever. Ben is considering getting an office turtle of his own, since his office is the spitting image of Neo’s from the Matrix and a turtle might just liven things up around there.

Tonight I have to go over to ICRT to help out with the interview some more before it’s done. It should be interesting to see their new downtown offices, which are over near the Xingtian Temple. The last time I was at ICRT was several years ago when they were still way up on Yangmingshan. Hopefully their digs have improved since then, even if their programming still occasionally leaves something to be desired (hey, they interviewed me; how much class could they have after all?).

Tomorrow, being Labor Day here, is a holiday. That always struck me as somewhat oxymoronic, but I’m not one to question any day off, no matter its origins. I had actually forgotten all about it until it came up during a phone call. I suppose I should actually plan to do something. Maybe I’ll go around and collect pictures of Stupid Scooter Slogans. I’ve been fooling around with the idea of a section of my site dedicated to this endlessly entertaining phenomenon. Certainly there is no lack of material; it would even be interesting fodder for a coffee-table book if I weren’t sure that Kymco would send its thugs after me with large, greasy wrenches.

posted by Poagao at 7:51 am  

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