It’s Sunday night. I have to go back to work tomor…
It’s Sunday night. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and probably put in extra hours this week to make up for the time I lost last week. I’ve been feeling slightly better each day, but I don’t think I’m fully recovered yet. I really wish it would hurry up.
The weather is cool these days. Various friends have invited me out recently but, most likely due to being still a bit sick, I turned them all down and stay at home eating noodles and watching mindless action movies and cartoons. I did venture out today for lunch at United Mix with Berta, but then I came back home right after. It’s good to talk with people, although I’m not the best of company on the best of days, and lately I’ve been feeling depressed and anti-social, so I keep to myself in order to spare other people the unpleasantness of being around me. However, I suspect that this only works to make my situation worse.
I’ve got to keep records at an important meeting this Friday and Saturday; I also have to pack all of my things, as I am leaving the Chungking Mansions Taipei to go live in a locker at Sogo Department Store. Steven the Mover has arranged to help me move on Wednesday. Just thinking everything I have to do makes me tired. There’s so much. The winter weather isn’t helping, either. My short film, The End, didn’t win anything at the festival in Toronto. Not that I expected it to, but it would have been nice. Oh, and hello 25,000th visitor. Sorry, there’s no prize.