I was intent on simply going home after work last …
I was intent on simply going home after work last night and maybe playing a little Command ‘n Conquer before passing out at some ungodly hour, but I was just getting off my bike when I got a phone call from Little P. He wanted to hook up, so we arranged to meet at T-zone later on. His family has two houses nearby the Kuting MRT station, and I wanted to see if Jedi Knight II was out (it wasn’t).
Little P is presently in the army, not even halfway through with his mandatory two years of service. Even if he hadn’t told me I would have been able to spot it a mile away, not just from his general bearing but also from his sunburned neck, bad skin, chapped lips, cheap military haircut, and the two white stripes running down his jawline where the sun had been blocked by his helmet straps during long hours of daytime guard duty. We rented a couple of movies and watched them at his “new” house, which was in the process of being tidied up by a Filipina maid. My guess is that Little P’s family has recently come into a bit of money, but they don’t quite know what to do with it yet.
Mindcrime is on his way up at the moment, and later on I’m going to take a look at Maoman’s place along with Dean and Kay, followed by a trip out to Nangang for a Dragonboat Party with Kirk. Mindcrime has been writing more and more in his blog about his peculiar skew on reality, of which I am now a part. All I can say is, he should be happy I’m too poor to hire a lawyer and sue his fat ass.
My room is presently being invaded by ants. They do this every so often, but I don’t have anything worth eating in here, so it’s a bit strange. Hopefully they’ll just get hungry or bored and leave; if not I’ll just have to go buy some ant motels or ant chalets or whatever they’re called these days, but they’ll probably just start complaining that there’s no KTV or something. All the more reason for me to move.