It just come to my attention that Netscape users, …
It just come to my attention that Netscape users, when they visit this page, see only an ocean of black with a few blue links, but no visible text. I have no idea why this is, but I will fix it as soon as I can. In the meantime, those Netscape users who have figured out how to highlight text and are able to read this, just go download IE…just for me. Ok? Thanks.
There is this one slightly deranged-looking guy who sits on a pink scooter in front of a car battery shop across the street from our office. He always wears the same thing: tan shorts and white shoes with black socks. He is there when I come to work, and he is there when I go to lunch. He is still there, sitting on the same scooter, when I leave. Every day. And I thought I had an exciting life.
I went down to the West Gate district after work today to check and see if they were selling the Rio Volt yet…they were not, so if Dean can’t find one in Canada, I might be forced to buy a Creative Jukebox, which is way too expensive. There simply aren’t any other choices as far as MP3’s are concerned here.
I walked through the 2-28 Peace Park and took a few pictures, which I’ve added to my photo page. At one point a rough-looking fellow tried to get me to give him NT$100. Normally I don’t have a problem helping people, but there was something about this guy, a certain semi-malicious gleam in his eye, that made me hesitate. I know, I’m lame, but you’ve got to wonder why he chose me out of all the people around there. There aren’t nearly as many beggars and homeless people in Taiwan as there are in the US, so I’m not used to people I don’t know coming up to me on the street and asking me for money.
The area in front of the provincial museum at the main entrance to the 2-28 park at night is usually full of fortune tellers with books, charts, magnifying glasses and little light bulbs to illuminate their subjects’ faces. These old guys will tell your fortune for NT$1,000 (this might have gone up recently, I don’t know). I’ve never done it, since if it’s my destiny and there’s no avoiding it, why spoil the surprise? I never had any luck with horoscopes or the like…in fact in high school I came to believe that just reading my horoscope was bad luck, and I refused to read that page of the paper in the morning for fear of ruining my entire day. It was stupid, of course, but it had the same effect as if I were smart enough to not pay any attention to horoscopes at all, you see.