Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Apr 29 2014


I’m in Hangzhou. Chenbl and I took an Air China flight here this morning. Chinese passengers are really something. Well, some of them are. Actually, just the ones who jump out of their seats, ready to deplane before the wheels have even touched the runway. The stewardess, who was sitting in front of me as I luckily snagged the exit row seat of the rather small plane, had to actually shout at them to sit the hell back down before the plane landed.

After lugging me luggage for about half a mile to the city bus, we finally made it into town. The weather’s nice and cool, and the streets of the city are surprisingly, amazingly clean. The traffic, however, is a mystery. Lanes, lights, directions…I am unable to discern what’s what. The ubiquity of electric scooters makes me wonder what Taiwan would be like if Kwangyang and Sanyang didn’t have a stranglehold on the industry. Much quieter with fresher air, I’d guess.

We met with the people who are holding the photography exhibition which is why I’m here, and we had a great dinner, after which I got a tour of their offices. Due to battery issues with the Sony, I’m using the Invincible Rabbit again, which takes some getting used to. Tomorrow we’re off to some hinterlands or other place. I have no idea. Chenbl’s got the plans. I’m just along for the ride.

The timing of the trip is somewhat unfortunate, as ideally I should be in Taiwan promoting the hell out of not only our movie premiere on 5/10 (for which I will be back in Taipei), but also the upcoming release of the English version of my book by Camphor Press. Alas, I’ll just have to do what I can from here. More on those later, when I have more news. 

posted by Poagao at 10:57 pm  

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