Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

May 14 2012

The London Festival of Photography

Invitation to the London Festival of Photography

Invitation to the London Festival of Photography

Some of my photos are going to be shown at the London Festival of Photography as part of our Burn My Eye exhibition starting on June 1. I wasn’t planning to go originally, as I just got back from Korea not long ago and have already used up most of my vacation time, funds and the goodwill of my various bosses, but then I thought, hey, I’ve never been to the UK, and this probably a much better excuse than I could ever come up with on my own, so why not take advantage of it?

So I managed to find some cheap tickets on a mainland Chinese airline that stops over in Shanghai, booked a cheap hotel in London that hopefully includes a bathroom of my own and isn’t right above a discotheque or whatever they have there for dancing purposes, and of course I’ve reserved a place on the Harry Potter tour (ooh I hope I’m in Slytherin!) for the end of May/beginning of July. The exhibit runs for the entire month of June, but I’ll be leaving London on the 2nd, so just enough time to pop in and see anyone who has wandered into the gallery by mistake and hasn’t figured out that it’s not an artsy bed & breakfast.

Just kidding. I’m honored to be part of this, as well as the BME collective, which features some very fine photographer, many of whom will be attending, and I look forward to meeting them as well as seeing a bit of the city during my time there, maybe even taking a snapshot or two if that sort of thing is still allowed there.

posted by Poagao at 12:04 am  


  1. Congrats —and you are always such a ‘doubting thomas’ re your efforts. Things should be getting all wound up for the Olympics there as well. Should be interesting

    Comment by Karen — May 18, 2012 @ 12:17 pm

  2. Was good to see you again on your way through Shanghai! Enjoy London…

    Comment by John — May 27, 2012 @ 3:36 pm

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