Valentine’s Day practice
Valentine’s Day wasn’t particularly notable for anything for me, but I did manage to drag my ass to practice that day. Nobody from our school was at the park when I arrived, however. I figured they must all be late or something and went through the forms as best as I could until I got a call from Teacher X, who told me that they’d moved back to CKS Hall since the construction work there is finished. They still practice at the park on Sunday’s though.
I walked over to CKS and joined the group there. It was a gray day, cool and somewhat forbidding after a week of solid sunshine and warm days. I was tired and really out of shape after such a long hiatus, and UPS guy pushed me over several times. I had a better time of it with Mr. V.
My Tuesday and Thursday nights are almost full up, though, so I’m not sure how quickly I’ll be able to get back into the swing of things.