Tokyo video
The Tokyo video is finally up, both on Youtube and the new Vimeo page I just set up out of a mixture of curiosity and frustration with Youtube. It’s reallllly long and probably less interesting to people who aren’t me, but I like it. I think it’s a good record of my trip in any case. Vimeo, it turns out, not only has a larger screen with better resolution, the sound is much better, embedding doesn’t break my layout, and uploading is easier as well. I think I’ll be sticking with that.
Today was Labor Day here, a public holiday for all us oppressed workers, etc. I haven’t gotten out of the house yet today, and spent the time I didn’t waste trying to upload the video by doing laundry and other household stuff. But Prince Roy just called and said he was going to Sababa with some co-workers for dinner, so I’m heading over there for some dinner.
LATER: Dinner was good as usual, although they got my order wrong. We procured one of the veranda tables to take advantage of the nice cool evening air. As it’s work tomorrow, they couldn’t stay out too late. On our way over to CKS Hall, a plump and friendly black dog followed us, stopping with us at each intersection, until it convinced PR to buy it a sandwich. He ate the meat but not the bun (the dog, not PR).
Tomorrow: back to work. I’m now out of my little room and into the big cubicle farm, but in that context it’s a very nice seat. I may have to get some larger earphones, however, as I’m not yet used to the volume of regular office chatter. This weekend PR, Daniel and I are planning a trip down to Taichung and Tunghai to visit our old stomping grounds from when we were students there a couple of decades ago. I will try to refrain from taking too many pictures.
Enjoy the video:
12 Days in Tokyo from poagao on Vimeo.
🙂 Nice travel video.
Comment by Daniel — May 2, 2008 @ 5:08 am
[…] has the Tokyo video up and running […]
Pingback by | Bushman’s Picks, May 3, 2008 — May 3, 2008 @ 6:15 am
Thanks for sharing your video, I really enjoyed seeing Japan through your lens.
I really enjoyed the scene with the bass player in Shinjuku. I don’t know why, but I felt like it really captured the feeling of being in Shinjuku. So many people and so much around you, yet you’re one your own almost always. I liked the bass player, trying to stand out in such a big crowd, trying to express himself over the roar of the city and be heard over the moans of the salary men in the dark suits, heavy suit cases and tired eyes. Shinjuku…you can’t survive it without a glass of whiskey.
I noticed you were “buzzed” by the right-wing activists more than once. They’ve been busy recently. I was woken up at 6 AM on 4/29 for a broadcast celebrating the former emperor.
So which do you prefer, Okinawa or Tokyo?
Comment by Bryan — May 4, 2008 @ 1:07 pm
Wow, you made it through the whole thing! Impressive! I really liked the bass player part as well. Throughout the video I tried to capture my mood at the time like that.
Okinawa and Tokyo are so different, they’re like different countries almost, so it’s hard to compare them. I like them both, but I probably feel more at ease in Okinawa. Tokyo is more exciting, which is another, different kind of good.
Comment by Poagao — May 4, 2008 @ 1:16 pm