First exhibit!
Well, kind of. The stylish, slightly mad individuals who run Bobwundaye have graciously allowed me to hang some of my more popular photos for public exhibition at their establishment. I had 12 shots, from both my 20D and my IXUS p/s cameras, printed out and framed at various printers and framers in town at a good size, and Bobwundaye has, I think, six spaces on the walls for such things. In order to celebrate this small step in my photographic career, I’m having a little get-together there this Saturday night, starting from around 8pm or so. Feel free to swing by for a drink and a gander.
In other photographic news, I was contacted this morning by a large publishing house in the US about the possibility of using one of my shots as the cover art for one of their upcoming novels, which is pretty cool. Now if only I could get them to look at perhaps publishing my book in English…hmm.
Comment by Leslie — October 25, 2007 @ 12:13 pm
Congrats–sorry I couldn’t make the show.
Comment by The Taipei Kid — November 1, 2007 @ 11:35 am