12/12 Tuishou
Late again to practice, but everyone was already paired up, so I went through my forms while they practiced tuishou. Chatted with Teacher Xu for a while, then paired up with Weeble, who was very talkative, not unlike Mr. You. He said he missed the Tree Root Master. “He is very solid, very hard,” he said admiringly. Weeble went for the quick, fast shove occasionally, and I managed to refrain from that myself. Still need to work on dealing with that better.
After class, did some sword practice and went home. That’s it. I’m afraid this isn’t a very interesting entry. No breakthroughs or revelations, just more practice. Perhaps I should wait for something to happen before I write in here instead of writing after every practice or two, lest it get too boring. Or maybe I just need to work harder.