In the bag
My friends are always asking what all I have in my backpack, usually after I produce some obscure thing called for in an unlikely situation that nobody would ever think about just having on their person “just in case” they ever need, say, a list of local temple gods (you’d be surprised). So, after being inspired from a picture series of Mostly Russians Scanning Their Faces Along with the Interesting Things in Their Pockets, I decided to take everything out of my backpack and pockets, array them on my bed and list what all I had in there. You know, just in case.
[…] Poagao reveals the contents of his bag. […]
Pingback by David on Formosa » Links 2 July 2007 — July 2, 2007 @ 5:27 am
I’ve never asked you what you had in your backpack. But now I know.
Comment by Prince Roy — July 2, 2007 @ 11:00 am
That it should it come to this: looking at a stranger’s bed sheet thinking ‘Nice sheet’ and then remarking on that very thought.
Comment by Naruwan — July 5, 2007 @ 8:50 am