前幾天在辦公室上班時, 接到一通電話, 對方講的國語有代滿明顯的外國腔。 雖然找的是我本人, 但他好像不曉得我是英語為母語。 我們聊了幾句之后, 他講到一些用國語表達有困難的事情, 就開始用英文, 所以我也跟著用英文。 他問的是關於拍片用燈光的問題,
是的~ 回到家中,
Comment by Phil — June 27, 2007 @ 7:59 am
Comment by Prince Roy — August 23, 2007 @ 6:14 am
I don’t get to go home much, but at least in Taiwan I have a rather eclectic group of friends. As most of my foreign friends speak Chinese, we often find ourselves speaking a mix of both.
I am all for respecting languages and precise use of language and I also am not a huge fan changing languages every five seconds (what I call linguistic Ping-Pong).
But sometimes it is just a natural ebb and flow. I remember listening to a speech given by the director of the EU’s interpretation and Translation Dept. (last year) where he basically said; “everyone should have the right to speak their mother tongue, but will not necessarily get the chance to listen to it” and that’s usually how a meal out with friends works.
I really cant stand the competitive nature of Chinese speaking foreigners, but if you have them both pretty much sorted, I don’t see why one cant use it interchangeably (as long as they aren’t being a twat about it, but you can smell those types a mile away).
Anyway, my general rule when speaking to anyone is; reply in whatever language they speak to you in. seems to work!
Comment by Gaz — September 4, 2007 @ 4:13 am
很抱歉, 我是現在才發現
Comment by Gaz — September 4, 2007 @ 5:06 am