And now…a meme
Prince Roy had the gall to pick me to continue this “Five things you don’t know about me” ridiculousness. I pointed out that I’ve already done a hundred of these things, but alas, his appetite for this kind of thing seems to be insatiable. Although I have plenty of potentially disturbing secrets left, I’ve been racking my brains to think of any that won’t completely alienate one or both of my readers and/or cause them to notify relevant authorities. Here are the ones I came up with:
1. I lied in a rather baldfaced fashion to a certain ROC vice premier’s face during an interview
2. My sexual fetishes make furries look like the old couple in American Gothic
3. I successfully masqueraded as a cadet at the Virginia Military Institute
4. I’ve posted a collection of nude photos of myself on the Internet
5. The fingernails on my left hand are soft, while the fingernails on my right hand are very hard.
I’m not going to tag anyone else on this meme; let it fade away on its own.
now see, it’s this kind of honesty that will salvage your credit rating! Well done!
Comment by Prince Roy — December 31, 2006 @ 7:10 pm
“Prince Roy had the gall to pick me to continue this ‘Five things you don’t know about me’ ridiculousness. I pointed out that I’ve already done a hundred of these things, but alas, his appetite for this kind of thing seems to be insatiable.”
The best part is that he complained about being tagged himself. This chain-blogging thing rocks!
Comment by Mark — January 1, 2007 @ 5:44 pm
So it was YOU! All this time they thought they’d discovered an entire new land-based dolphin subspecies and it was just you with no clothes on.
Man, those scientists are going to be disappointed!
Comment by Sandy — January 3, 2007 @ 6:18 am
Not half as disappointed as when they discover the truth about the sea-based monkey subspecies.
But I’m not worried about the scientists; it’s the military contractors that might cause trouble.
Comment by TC — January 3, 2007 @ 6:21 am
So, where do you have those nude photos of you posted?
Nice to see you the other night–hope 2007 treats you well!
Comment by The Taipei Kid — January 3, 2007 @ 11:29 am
i’m curious as to why you don’t like scorsese movies.
Comment by Prince Roy — January 4, 2007 @ 7:51 am
TK: You’re not a fan of Scientific Oddity Monthly, I take it?
Just kidding. Nice to see you at New Years.
PR: I don’t know; perhaps some emotional defect that doesn’t allow me to find his style moving or even interesting.
Comment by TC — January 4, 2007 @ 7:54 am