The people from Yahoo finally gave in and admitted…
The people from Yahoo finally gave in and admitted that I am me and that I have the right to use my account. I don’t know what happened, but it seems to be working again now. I hope it doesn’t happen again, but I’m definitely not going to trust any important documents or other information to Yahoo in the future. I know, duh!
Typical rainy, miserable cold winter weather these days. Indoor old DVD watching weather. I got a radiator heater which does the job much better than the glorified blow dryer I got at Sogo a few years ago. This kind of weather makes me glad I don’t work outside any more and have a subway to take around instead of having to be out on my motorcycle in this mess.
Been playing with software from these people. The program can take your picture and make you look, among other things, “East-Asian”, “West-Asian”, “Afro-Caribean” or “Caucasian”. You can really only go through one pass before the results start looking really wierd. Oddly enough, the “Caucasian” one makes me look thinner.
Pick the unmodified Poagaos!