Pig crossing
I’d just finished scouting for shooting locations at Da-an Park when I stopped in a convenience store for a drink, and a guy came in to tell the clerk, “Hey, do you know there’s a pig running around in front of your store?”
I paid for my drink and walked out, curious to see what he was talking about. All I saw was a guy sitting on a scooter. That’s a bit rude; he’s not that fat, I thought. Then I saw the actual pig.
It was running around the intersection of Xinsheng South Road and the alley next to the store, a little brown and white pig, very young. As I took out my camera and shot a picture of it, a taxi swerved into the alley, just missing the pig, who trotted away down the block and into the arms of a young man who was apparently its owner.
We’re back in the cycle of daily afternoon thundershowers, which makes me wonder if the shoot this Saturday afternoon is going to work out. It cools things down a bit, though, so as long as I’m inside I don’t mind them at all.