Fetts and Fretts
Just testing the Flickr “Blog This” button, with a picture from my friend Clar’s party. Man, she got some crazy friends. Reminds me of some of the parties I went to in college, though I don’t recall seeing Star Wars characters there. This was back in the skinny-tie/suspendered 80’s, though, so we only had one Fett to go around.
Clar was going to come visit me in Taiwan this spring, but I’m sorry to report she’s not going to be making it over to this side of the big water this time around, which is a shame, as I was looking forward to showing her around our beautiful island.
Tomorrow night, i.e. Saturday, at about 9pm, the Muddy Basin Ramblers are going to open for and then play with Dana Wylie at The Living Room at about 9pm, since she’s going back to the states soon. David also wants to get some jumping pictures of the band in mid-air while we’re still sober enough to jump in some coordinated fashion.