Azuma, his wife Jane, Maurice and his girl Claire,…
Azuma, his wife Jane, Maurice and his girl Claire, Sandy, Jojo and I got together after a rehearsal yesterday afternoon to go to Rosemary’s Kitchen, the blue-shuttered/white stucco restaurant at the foot of the suspension bridge, for dinner. I was a bit worried that Maurice, who is a restaurant expert, wouldn’t find the place up to snuff, even though it’s quite good for the area. As it turned out, however, the food was excellent, and the only problems we had were with untrained waitstaff who didn’t quite know what they were doing. We got a spot out on the balcony overlooking the bridge, the swanboat beneath and the milling crowds of weekend tourists above. As seems to happen whenever going out to eat with Maurice, the wine, white in this case, just seemed to keep coming, and our whole party got drunker and drunker.
It was after midnight by the time we left. I have the impression that I was quite talkative, but I’m not sure I want to know exactly what I said. As far as I can recall, everyone had a great time, and I’ll just assume that’s the case until I hear differently.
There had been a couple of other foreigners on the balcony, one an older man who kept staring at me or us (I couldn’t tell from the distance), and a younger guy accompanied by a Taiwanese girl. He wore an army T-shirt, and I resisted the urge to go over and ask him whether he bought it or was issued it. At least until this evening when I ran into the guy at Athula’s and asked him anyway. Yeah, I suck. At least if I’d been all petty at the restaurant I would have had the excuse of being drunk off my ass at least.
On the bright side, I did manage to keep from taking any artsy pictures of the silverware, which is something I suppose. Ever since I got the wicked 10-22mm lens for my 20D, I haven’t really used my 17-85mm USM IS lens that much, and I’m thinking of selling it in order to add a prime or two to my collection, or perhaps a long lens…who knows?