Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Feb 06 2004

What’s wrong with this picture? Taipei second p…

What’s wrong with this picture?

Taipei second phase water restrictions to begin today

The Greater Taipei area enters the second-phase water restriction program with a 20 percent cutback in water supply to heavy users beginning today. The move has been adopted by the national anti-drought task force and the Taipei Water Co. to prevent a further deterioration in water supplies to the general public in northern Taiwan.

Now, what I want to know is, where the hell is all the water going? We’ve have more-or-less constant rainfall so far this year, so constant I think we’re going to go collectively insane from the sound of raindrops on tin rooftops. My guess is that some evil tychoon somewhere has come up with a plan to turn discarded egg-tarts and bad newspaper articles into pure titanium via a process that consumes tons and tons of water. Because I simply haven’t seen that many squeaky-clean cars (or people) around.

In other news, my publisher called me last night and said Next Magazine wants to interview me. I asked him if it sounded fishy, considering Next’s reputation, especially in view of the heightened level of sensationalism brought about by the Apple Daily. He said it wouldn’t be for a front-page story, just an interview of “interesting” (read: Bizarre) individuals. I also wonder if it has anything to do with the upcoming presidential elections, etc.

I suppose it couldn’t hurt too much to give it a shot; even if, in the worst-case scenario, they turn it into a nasty sensationalist disaster of a story, at least I’ll get a lot of rubbernecker sales.

posted by Poagao at 3:48 am  

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