Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Dec 21 2004


What’s going on? You’re probably asking. Why haven’t we shot anything in over a week?

Well. In Taiwan, literally referred to in Webster’s dictionary as “The Land of Warehouses”, you’d think we’d have no trouble finding one to shoot in. Alas, this is not that case. Granted, a lot of the warehouses out there just aren’t that suitable, but it shouldn’t be that hard.

Two perfect locations are located at the old Songshan Tobacco Factory and the Huashan Arts District. Both are unavailable because government/organizations here are scared to death of filmmakers. They say the reason is “renovations”, but plainly there is no renovation going on. I can’t quite get my mind around the phantoms that must appear in these people’s minds when they consider the prospect of an indie film crew shooting in their locations. Were they, perhaps, stung by being featured in a pR0n flick during the 70’s? Are they afraid a wire-fu accident will result in a lengthy court case and lawyer’s fees? Who knows? One thing I have noticed, though, is that if you have to get permission, you might as well give up. Official channels simply don’t work, and flying under the radar, outside the establishment, is the only way anyone is ever going to make a decent film in Taiwan.

I suppose it’s just as well to give everyone a break for Christmas, but I’d like to get moving on some more scenes, and soon. I refuse to set the whole film set in someone’s living room, though. I’ll get something cool, or not at all.

posted by Poagao at 5:54 pm  

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