I’m now officially back at work, or whatever I do …
I’m now officially back at work, or whatever I do that passes for work. The weather’s been great these days, but according to the papers a sandstorm from mainland China is wreaking havoc. I’m glad I read the newspaper sites; otherwise I might not have noticed the havoc-wreaking going on around here. Maybe we should have a referendum about sandstorms and whether we like them or not.
I went down to Hsinchu yesterday to meet up with some old friends, including Chen Ze-kang, with whom I was an assistant cameraman back at KPS many years ago. Ah-kang, as he is known to his friends, just got officially married and is on his way back to his home in San Jose today. I visited him once in the early 90’s there and found I could get by speaking only Chinese for weeks at a time in San Jose and San Francisco, as all the restaurants and most of the shops we went to were Chinese-operated.
After I got back to Taipei I went out for dinner with Peter Ma, who introduced me to his friend Kloie, a Canadian woman who just finished filming a documentary about the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. We watched some of her footage on Peter’s computer; really amazing stuff. She wants to enter Urban Nomad, and I agree, but I also think she should be setting her sights much, much higher. We were in Cafe Oso near Shi-da, so I decided to take advantage of their free wireless Internet access to try out the Airport card I have in my Powerbook; it was rather strange being able to acccess the Internet without wires outside my home; I’m not sure more Internet access is really what I need, though, as I spend too much time online already.