This seems like a really cool idea, but it would m…
This seems like a really cool idea, but it would mean more if they could construct them in more disparate locations, i.e. a little portal in, say, Calcutta, located in a place like Times Square or Manhattan Beach in LA. If they made it 3D it would be even better.
Yesterday was another gorgeous day, and after enjoying a delicious turkey sandwich while sitting in Da-an Park reading my newly purchased copy of A Storm of Swords, I took Gendouyun in to the Bike Farm, a shop owned and operated by a foreign mechanic named Jeremy who comes highly recommended. He initially forgot about our appointment until he looked at his appointment book and saw my name on the list. Then he proceeded with a general check-up of the motorcycle. After fiddling with it and taking it for a spin around the block, he gave me a long list of things that were dangerously wrong with the bike, a list that would cost me several thousand dollars to rectify. In short, my bike is pretty fucked.
I had to make a decision then: I could either write off the motorcycle, sell it for scrap and start saving up for a new bike, or I could fix it up enough to last me another couple of years. The thing is, I hate scooters, and I can’t justify buying one of the 150cc four-stroke models out there on the market right now either. The only bike I’d want to replace this one with would be at least 250cc, and all of the larger bikes out there right now are too new and expensive to even consider, even on a payment plan, so that wasn’t an option. Instead I decided to just fix my current bike for now instead of getting a new one. This means I’ll be without a motorcycle for a few weeks though, as the place is booked solid. I’d rather save up for a G5 than a new motorcycle. Plus I can actually use a G5 to make money, as I would be using it for editing and other creative efforts, whereas a larger, newer motorcycle would just consume more of my resources and become one more thing to worry about finding a secure parking space for, lest it get stolen or dinged.
Of course, you’re thinking, why do I need a motorcycle at all, especially in this day and age of the MRT? Don’t get me wrong, the MRT’s great, but I’ve always had some kind of motorcycle ever since I moved to Taipei, and it feels wrong somehow to not have my own transportation. I want to be able to take off on a trip whenever I like, especially now that I live on Wulai’s doorstep. Surely a couple of weeks and a few thousand NT isn’t too much to pay for such a thing.
A few thousand NT, however, is a little too much to pay for a poster. That said, I really, really like this one for the first Huang Fei-hong movie by Tsui Hark, called “Once Upon a Time in China” in English. I saw a thumbnail for it at a HK poster store a long time ago and tried to find it, but I couldn’t. In contrast to all of the other posters for that movie, which show people fighting and doing all sorts of violent things, this one depicts all of the main characters at a quiet afternoon picnic on the beach, something which doesn’t have anything to do with anything that happens in the movie. It’s just so random and surreal that I have to have it.
But not for US$120. Jesus. Maybe I’ll get this one instead, even though it’s no picnic at the beach.