Saw this on the front page of Blogger today: Go…
Saw this on the front page of Blogger today:
Google Toolbar. You can get, for free, a browser toolbar that allows you to blog from any web page. Grab the beta version of the Google Toolbar with BlogThis! now.
¡V Jason Shellen [7/1/2003 6:21:01 PM]
Well, whoop-dee-shit. Here’s a suggestion: Instead of adding bells and whistles to your product, why don’t you concentrate your efforts on fixing all that went wrong with the last “update”. I use the quotes of course because Blogger used to work better and was more reliable than it is now, and none of my queries at good ol’ Blogger Control have been viewed, much less answered. I hate to have to do it, but I’m thinking MT might be the way to go if this nonsense continues much longer. What a mess.
Last Friday after work I went down to the intersection of Roosevelt Road and keelung Road in search of a large motorcycle rental place I’d heard about. It wasn’t hard to find since you don’t usually spot so many litrebikes parked out in front of any other business. This one was right across the street from a police station, something they probably wouldn’t have dared do before our entry into WTO.
I walked inside, grateful for the limited air conditioning, and spoke with one of the young guys sitting behind the desk. I found out that renting a Honda Hornet for a day, not a 24-hour day but basically daytime hours, is about NT$1600 on weekdays. their cheapest rate. I can’t ride anything over 250cc anyway because I don’t have the extra license required. That, they told me, was easy to do, but taking the test costs several thousand NT$, and even then I can only rent a Honda CB400 super four. To rent even bigger bikes you have to join the club, which is still more money. It’s a pretty expensive hobby. One of the guys there started riding the bigger bikes only a few months ago, and he’s the proud owner of a Yamaha R1, one of only a handful in Taiwan. I can’t imagine how an R1 could not be overkill on the roads here, but according to those guys the appetite for more power is near insatiable. After I told them I rode an RZR they let me take a Hornet around the block to compare the difference. It was smooth, but it didn’t seem to have the kick even my little 135cc 2-stroke delivers. Still, I didn’t push it hard, and I suppose the power peaks in different places. If we aren’t in the middle of one of the typhoons in the area by this Wednesday, I might just take a Hornet on a little tour of the north coast, just to see how it does. With all of this hot weather, though, you knew we were going to start getting typhoons just lining up to get in here.
Typhoon or now, we’ve been arranging a somewhat belated wrap party for cast and crew of our Lady X episodes this coming Saturday night at Dean’s place. The series is up to Episode 7 now, and 8 should be coming out on the 23rd. Episode 7 take place in Orlando, Florida, where I went to high school, and I recognized some of the locations in the film. I had been wondering how on earth they would be able to make Orlando look interesting, but they did a fair job I guess. At least they didn’t include Disney or Seaworld. I suppose sooner or later we’re going to see Lady X in a black bikini, most likely in the Lady X: Hawaii episode.
Tall Paul, Darrell and I are going to meet tomorrow evening at the offices of the company down in Xindian that’s interested in us doing a commercial for them. We’ve got a decent idea; I hope they don’t have too many problems with it. We’ll see, in any case. It would be nice if they actually paid us as well.
I’ve updated the Photography page, adding not only two new pictures but a new banner as well. Enjoy.