I did the interview on the "Adam Club" radio show …
I did the interview on the “Adam Club” radio show today. I tried not to rant too much, and I think it went a bit better than the last one. During the interview the host asked me what my plans for the future were. A few months ago I would have said I was definitely going to stay in Taiwan, but now? I have no idea. The deplorable state of affairs resulting from the government and general incompetence has forced me to start thinking about perhaps moving to another country at some point in the future. Back before the huge outbreaks, I was cursing the quarantine breakers, just because I knew this was going to happen as a result. And now there’s not much they can do. They had many chances to stop it, many more chances than other countries had, but even today the government can’t do anything but piss and moan about not getting into WHO. It’s just a political game to them; it’s as if they don’t even care that people are dying because they refused to take any concrete steps to enforce quarantines and upgrade hospital standards. Even now they’re continuing to do nothing, so who knows what’s going to happen in the future? It’s criminal negligence, pure and simple, but on a national scale.
Afterwards I went out to get a mirror for our bar shoot this weekend. Tomorrow night we’re doing the fight scene, hopefully. Things are deteriorating so fast I hope we can get everything done by this weekend. A SARS case was discovered in the GIO complex where Dean works, so he’s going to take the next couple of days off. I plan to ask my bosses if I can telecommute, and if they say no…I dunno. Perhaps take a leave of absence or something.
I took my computer down to T-zone last night and got a new power rig put in as the old one was broken. It took long enough, and since I tried to defragment my almost-full hard drive everything’s slowed down. At least it works now, after a fashion. I just hope it keeps working. I hope everything keeps working.