After seeing a link on my friend Simon’s journal, …
After seeing a link on my friend Simon’s journal, I spent the afternoon at Kutztown Dragon’s site, reading through all of the comics and other stuff he’s done. I’d try to describe it but I’m afraid I’m just not up to the task. Let’s just say Brian is a dragon and a furry. I know, dragons aren’t furry…oh, just go read it for yourself. If it doesn’t put you in a good mood for at least a few hours then, well, I’m sorry.
There’s a small typhoon scooting past at the moment. I had given up looking for storms this year as I thought it was too late. It seems like we still have our typhoon shield up, though, as it glanced off just like all of the other storms this year. Weird.
In other news, we’ve finally gotten our hot little hands on a copy of the software that will enable us to produce the Lady X: Clay Soldiers DVD. I’ve re-edited our two episodes into one feature, with extra footage and scenes to make it over 17 minutes long. The DVD should come complete with such extras as switchable subtitles, outtakes, and perhaps even commentary and soundtrack material as well. We’ll see. I’ll be glad to get that out of the way; I want to do something else now.