A younger man and an older woman got on the crowde…
A younger man and an older woman got on the crowded subway tonight as I was headed from work over to Dean’s to watch some TV. The man saw me and said “Oh, it’s terrible” in English. As the older woman complimented his English ability he automatically looked over at me for acknowledgement of his elite language skillz, but I just stared at him blankly for a few seconds before looking away. “He doesn’t get it,” he said in Chinese to the woman, who tittered.
The weather was extremely nice today, a welcome break from the awful stuff and typical of Spring in Taiwan. I worked a full day today, at both of my jobs. Tomorrow morning I have another interview at still another job I hope to snag, this time with a fairly high official. Suit-and-tie stuff. Hopefully it will go at least as well as the last one. I’m also supposed to get paid for a bit of translation I did a while back, which is good because I got my credit card bill today.
I had thought that the Dancing Women didn’t do their thing on weekends, but recently they’ve started waking me up on Sunday mornings, possibly in a bid for revenge on me for lighting up the reflective bits of their tennis shoes with a laser pen and shouting “Dance!” from my window as they do their thing at night. I suppose walking right through their formation as if they weren’t there several times is another possible motive. I haven’t yet thought of how to deal with the Unbearably Similar Beat Every Time drum goup or Mr. Portable Karaoke, but I’m sure I’ll think of something suitable, especially if I watch a few more old Bond movies. “Well, Poagao, do you expect me to talk?” “No, Annoying Drum Person, I expect you to die! Or at least go somewhere else to play, like a small deserted island!”
Or I could just wait for my landlord to install thicker windows. Or I could move. We’ll see.
Unreal 2 is out in the states, apparently; I’m looking forward to this game, as I really enjoyed the original five years ago. Reviews haven’t been too hot, but I’m more interested in exploring the environments than just running around shooting creatures, so I’m sure I’ll like it.