There’s good news and bad news today. The good new…
There’s good news and bad news today. The good news is that Billy treated me to a sumptuous Japanese meal at one of those sushi express places near his office. We talked about the travel show; he seems optimistic about it. He even showed me the Sony VX2000 camera he bought yesterday, and I managed not to drool all over it. And since the week he wants to spend in Holland and France has a bunch of holidays, so that I wouldn’t have to take so much time off from work, so that seems to be working out. He balked at the price I named for my services, but basically I’ll take whatever he offers as long as it’s reasonable. He said he’d call.
The bad news is that Xiao Bing called and said that in order to save a lot on taxes, he could no longer let me keep my residency at his place in Taipei. I have no idea where I am going to move it, though. I might have to move into a place where I can actually keep my residency with me, which is a pain, but then again I have been making a lot of noise about moving lately, and I have a few months in which to decide. So perhaps it’s not such bad news after all, but the impetus I need to find another place where the air is better and I can have a cat. Still haven’t decided whether I should try for a place a bit out of the city or not. Rental prices are probably lower now since everyone’s still in a recession frame of mind. Moving is a bitch, though, especially when you have as much junk lying around as I do.
The weather was nice again today, but it is supposed to worsen tomorrow. I took a walk around the area during my lunch break today rather than eat. The area across Xinyi Road oozes rich people with little or no taste, but it’s quite nice in spite of that. I couldn’t live there, as one would need a car, but it’s nice to walk around in. Better than making my way through the throngs of schoolgirls at Warner Village every day. What is up with that? Don’t they have classes to go to or something? Damn.