Shauna has alerted me to the fact that Tim Tams ar…
Shauna has alerted me to the fact that Tim Tams are a factor in the mideast peace process! Hooray! In fact, my mate Simon and I have been hatching a plan to institute an official worldwide religion based on the tasty Arnot’s treats called “TimTamism”. It would theoretically be the basis for an entire new world order in which everyone would be several pounds heavier, but at least twice as happy. There would be the Five Noble Truths: Regular, Caramel, Double-coat, Mocha and Dark Chocolate. In fact, Tim Tams are the very reason that when I put on a black trenchcoat I resemble “that tubby bastard” Silent Bob rather than a more svelte Keanu Reeves. And, believe it or not, I don’t really mind, because I’ve got Tim Tams. Other major religions have been based on less. I can’t think of any at the moment, but I’m sure there must be some out there.
I’m still on foot, as I don’t quite trust my motorcycle helmet’s ability to keep all of the road dust out of my recently zapped eyes, so I’m taking cabs and the MRT everywhere. Unfortunately, the MRT doesn’t rut out to the Minsheng Community area, where I study Taichi sword. Tonight is that last class in this semester, and I don’t think they are going to teach any new forms after this. I don’t know if I will continue to study there, maybe the Secret Yang Style (I guess it’s not much of a secret anymore), or try to find somewhere else to study.
The Lord of the Rings starts today in Taipei, but I haven’t been able to even get through to the reservations lines, so I doubt I’ll be able to see it anytime soon. In spite of my conviction that it will not be able to live up to my imagination after reading the books something like 15 times since I was a teenager, I still want to see it, simply because I’m curious to see Peter Jackson’s vision of one of my favorite pieces of literature ever.
The office is looking rather bare as the posters and other adornments are removed. Entire walls have vanished as we prepare for the Big Move next weekend. Hopefully at some point all of this will interfere with my work, but so far, no luck. I’ll know we’re close to that point when the life-size inflatable Spiderman clinging to one of the office windows disappears.
One of the secretaries just came by and put little stickers on all of my cubicle parts. I asked her what they were for, and she said that the company is selling all of it’s cubicle parts to employees.
I’m curious to know just who would miss their cubicle so much that want to actually have one at home to remind them what a wonderful thing office life here is. It’s bad enough working in a cubicle, but actually waking up to one? Ugh.
It will probably take me about 30 minutes in the new “open office”, however, before I start missing my old cubicle. Seesaw or no seesaw, I do enjoy having my own space at least, and at least a cubicle is better than nothing.