Mixing in the new soundtrack and adding the new cr…
Mixing in the new soundtrack and adding the new credits last night after work was a piece of cake. I was in and out of the studio. located on Nanjing E. Rd near Dongxing Rd., within half an hour, and the people there were very nice, all in all a huge relief. Afterwards I walked over to Dean’s to pick up one of his Yenshui helmets to tide me over until I can go buy a real helmet at one of the places Maoman recommended. A taxi ride later I was back home putting together the press kit for the film, which consists of a couple of posters, some stills, and a backgrounder. Doing the posters was pretty fun, actually. I enjoy graphic design.
Then this morning I copied the Beta SP tape to DV tape, filled out all the forms, stuff them, the tape and the CD-ROM into an envelope, and Fedexed it out Chicago-way. Shoop! That’s it. I wash my grubby little hands at it. All I have to do now is sit back and wait for the inevitable flood of accolades/criticism/rotten fruit in my mail. I should also be hearing from Locus today about whether they’ve decided to make a formal offer to publish the damn book.
There’s a party tonight at the 70’s Airport Love Palace, a July 4th Party, arranged by the Palace’s only American, Dan. Hopefully it will involve barbequed hamburgers from Costco; the last time I had those there they were really good. A cast of thousands should be there, including Shirzi, Dean, Peter and Maoman, who is tempting me with a trip to Borocay Island next Chinese New Year’s holiday.
More partying tomorrow with swordfighting in the bamboo grove, followed by a quick shower and Berta’s Birthday Bash, with a possibility of a barbeque with Fish (the shortish individual known to occasionally DJ at DV8, not the meat) later on. For Sunday, the usual brunch and Casablanca, but then again you already know that; I seem to be becoming my own worst nightmare: a predictable social person. And I don’t even have the salary for it. I should just go find a cave or small island somewhere and disappear for a bit, get my perspective back. Unfortunately, I don’t have the salary for that, either. I guess I’ll just have to settle for entertainment derived from two curiously incompatible headlines in the Taipei Times today:
Common sense needed on China
HK needs to throw caution to the wind
Whatever it is they’re smoking at that paper, I hope they bring it to the party tonight.