Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Mar 06 2002

I’ve recently been in contact with a professor of …

I’ve recently been in contact with a professor of Asian Studies at Cornell University. He is interested in my book and after he read the proposal and sample chapter I sent him, he wrote “Please send the best chapter . . . that which most fully captures your understanding of Taiwan military society and culture or that best brings out issues of cultural clash.”

So I went through the book, choose another likely chapter, and sent it. Sooner or later, however, I am going to have to start really emailing queries to publishers and agents, since the local publishers representatives at the expo, curiously mostly males, who expressed interest, took my proposal back to their bosses, who, curiously again, are all females, who all feel that they are not interested (surprise!) in a story about the Taiwanese army.

I need to rework this site a bit, since for some reason iFilm has “lost” my films and the links on that page no longer work. As soon as the Damn Book gets published, I want to get started on my next film, so I’ll be making a page for that as well. I was also thinking of making a page especially for the Damn Book itself, just for the hell of it. And I might put in archives of the News page, since I only update it when the mood strikes me and leaves a nasty mark.

It’s winter here in Taipei once again, cold and dark. It feels like last night never ended, that the sun just never came up today at all. Xiao Bing came over yesterday to give me my income tax reports and tell me more about the registration situation. Basically, I am going to have to find another place to register my residency before the month is out, which is a bit of a pain. Xiao Bing also told me that he and the post office he works at are being sued by some government official who was out to get them. It seems that he wanted to withdraw money from his son’s account (post offices here double as banks, in case you didn’t know) but didn’t tell Xiao Bing, so guess who gets the blame when the password doesn’t work? Yep. The official is apparently in charge of a watchdog agency, but he must be in the mafia’s pocket if all he can do is try to catch post office tellers by mixing up passbooks when there are are obviously much bigger fish to fry….COUGHLo FuzhuCOUGH

One or more of my films will be shown at the upcoming Urban Nomad Film Festival. I have no idea which one or even if more than one will be shown. I guess I should attend and find out. It’s this weekend and will last for three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Who knows? It might be fun.

posted by Poagao at 9:17 am  

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