The theater last night was packed; lots of people …
The theater last night was packed; lots of people I knew were there and many I didn’t. I put up the black posters I designed both downstairs and in front of the elevator, there was a good supply of bad whiskey back stage and a videocamera recording the whole thing, and I have to say I think we did a bang-up job. There was a snag at the end with the blinds being wrong, but otherwise it was a terrific performance by all involved. The Duke of Norfolk included the words “wanton hussy” in his lines where there was no wanton hussy before (the hussy in question is pretty wanton, actually), and King Henry tried to play human bowling by sliding in his socks across the stage into his waiting, and very much suprised, subjects. When Sir Thomas More then said “I fear your Majesty does more honor to this household than I fear this household can bear,” he sounded suprisingly sincere. Cromwell was ecstatic, running around backstage and hugging everyone in sight. It was great.
Unfortunately, Lady Alice sprained her ankle jumping for joy. It’s more likely she didn’t notice the concrete barrier straddling the sidewalk in front of the Stinky Beancurd shop downstairs (which is probably a clever way to get customers into the shop) and tripped over it. I don’t know what we are going to do for our last performance on closing night, which is tonight. She is resting at home now and I suppose we’ll find out later this afternoon whether she feels up to another performance. I hope so, because her part is rather pivotal, and no one else knows it.
Afterwards we all went to the Tavern, which is nearby, and then to the Tapas restaurant on Hoping W. Road, where Carl, Richard, Kevin and I drank wine and discussed various social issues. I had entertained thoughts of dealing with shallow people at The Source, but I was dead tired by that point, and the wine wasn’t helping, so instead I came back home around 3 a.m.and just crashed. Today Harry came over to deliver some of my outstanding traffic tickets, which are all still sent to his place, even though I moved my residency out of there years ago. We went to the Subway across the street for lunch, even though it is the worst Subway in the city as far as I know, with the laziest, most incompetent workers and the lowest level of quality. Still, it’s right here, so I eat there from time to time anyway.
Daniel, of tinyblog fame, has emailed me instructions for how to install permanant links on this thing, which I shall attempt to install soon, so if my text becomes unreadable for short periods of time, that’s just me tinkering under the hood a bit. I have considered implementing a comments section, but I wonder if that is really necessary. Are there really hordes of drooling readers out there, just itching to hold deep, provocative discussions about my every utterance? Seems just a tad unlikely, methinks. I think I’ll hold off on the comments section for now.
Christine, however, said some nice things about this site and wonders why more people don’t have their own websites and online journals. I think only a certain type of person keeps a journal, though, much less a public, online journal. And there are already hundreds of thousands if not millions of these sites, so I think they are actually pretty common, relatively speaking. There just don’t seem to be many here in Taiwan. I’m all ears if you want to prove me wrong, though.