The chain on my motorcycle broke as I was riding h…
The chain on my motorcycle broke as I was riding home tonight. I was lucky it didn’t get caught in the spokes, but I still had to park it on the sidewalk and take a cab home, since I had arranged to meet a friend who is in need of consolation earlier tonight. His boyfriend dumped him, and he is being laid off as a result of Oracle’s shortsightedness on the Taiwan market. I gave him Clive Barker’s Undying, since I am finally finished with it. All of that blood, gore and gloomy, haunted surroundings should cheer him up.
My T-shirts finally came in today. The colors are lighter than I had envisioned, but in general they’re good, actually a higher quality shirt than I thought it would be. Dean, Dave, the other Dave and some others have bought some already. Tomorrow night I have arranged to meet Gavin and Ronnie at the Tavern at 8:30. Dean and I had dinner at the Salsa Latina, which serves vaguely Spanish food. Afterwards we noticed the Greece Coffee Shop next door. Naturally, we went in to see if they had Greek coffee, which Dean loves. Naturally, they didn’t have any such coffee for sale there. I don’t know what we were thinking when we thought that perhaps a place named the Greece Coffee Shop would have Greek coffee.
Damn, I’m tired. Time for a shower and sleep safe and sound under my mosquito netting.