Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Oct 01 2001

Sunny, blue skies! Well, actually, not so sunny, a…

Sunny, blue skies! Well, actually, not so sunny, and a bit of blue peeking through the clouds today, but it’s not raining, for the first time in weeks. And I have today off. I really feel like riding my motorcycle somewhere, perhaps up in the mountains, to some isolated place and just walking around, but I also really should stay home and keep editing my book. I’ll probably compromise by opening up my sliding glass door to my miniscule balcony, to let the cool breeze in as I edit. I’ll be going out later for dinner with friends Kirk and Victor anyway.

I’m thinking that I really should go back to Oklahoma, if not to see my grandmother, at least to attend her funeral, because it’s not about what people in my family think of me; It’s about acting according to my own principles. Of course, the logistics of finding a flight amid the aftermath of recent events as well as a suitable replacement to fill in for me are complicated at best, but I will begin looking into some sort of travel plan.

posted by Poagao at 3:36 am  

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