Perfect weather today. I look out of the window in…
Perfect weather today. I look out of the window in the restrooms at the back of our office and see a faraway temple I’d like to ride out to and visit, but I can’t because I work in this office every day during daylight hours, so I just stare at it instead. It’s days like this I really love Taiwan. Or I would, if I could get back out into it.
It’s sex, sex and more sex at the tinyblog these days. Go take a look at Daniel’s tales of sexual encounters, which are all the kind of things that most people would never admit even happened to them. Daniel is not most people, however; he posts them on his weblog. I’m not sure if I want my readers to know about my own fucked-up sexual encounters, but it would be interesting to at least write them down.
Seamus, Dean and I are going to meet at the infamous Bamboo Grove after work today to practice swordfighting one last time before he departs for Japan on Friday.