I’m sitting at my friend’s computer, it’s a brilli…
I’m sitting at my friend’s computer, it’s a brilliant day outside, deep blue sky, crisp weather and I just had my first shower in three days. Lurvley.
Yesterday we took the bus to downtown Perth, which feels like a small town., with lots of pedestrian areas. We took the ferry across the river and visited the zoo, which was interesting as they tend to avoid having the animals in cages. They’re all out and about, as it were, and you pass kanagaroo’s, for example, just lazing by the side of the path. Lazing is apparently what most Australian animals do best. I got some tips for better lazing in the future. On the way back afterwards, we encountered literally gaggles of professionals just getting off work downtown. They practically leered at us as they filed off the ferry, silently projecting a mixture of amusement ad pity that we didn’t have their jobs. I tried to silently project the fact that we had just spent an entertaining afternoon at the zoo, but I’m not entirely sure I was being very effective, so I just glared back.
I also found out that one cannot buy prescription contact lenses in Australia without visiting a doctor and all that. In Taiwan, I could just go to the corner shop ad pick up a pair, but not here. Oh, well. The apaptors are expensive, too. I’m not sure if I want to spend that much money for just a month’s use, but I might have to if want to continue taking pictures.
Today we’re going to try and find out about tickets on the Indian-Pacific train to Sydney. Exhorbitantly expensive, no doubt, but I’d rather see a bit of the country on my way over there, and it’s not that much more than flying. I managed to forget my International Driver’s License, so renting by yours truly is out of the question.
It feels so good to be here. My friend’s family is great, and his sister made some bang-up chicken last night for dinner.