Poagao's Journal

Absolutely Not Your Monkey

Apr 01 2008

¿A México?

I was notified today that I’m actually eligible for a Mexican passport, though I haven’t set foot in Mexico in 39 years. The catch is that I can’t get it here, as Mexico has no formal embassy in Taiwan, so I would have to actually make a trip there to pick it up. I would like to have a second passport besides my ROC one, and it seems the US is not in a very generous mood when it comes to handing out green cards these days. Plus, I do have a couple of friends in Mexico, including a fellow student from film school who keeps urging me to go there to make films with him.

I really don’t think I could afford such a trip any time soon, though, not to mention taking that much vacation time. Also, my Spanish is crap. If I did go, I’d probably run out of money and have to rely on El Mono Severo to win food money in the wrestling ring. Still, “Mexican-Taiwanese” has an interesting ring to it, and I’m already pretty much used to curious stares at airports. Then again, there’s my future political career here to consider. Will voters in the 2016 polls care that I was once not only a US citizen, but a Mexican citizen as well? It might be the one thing that will let Vincent Siew and Su Zhen-chang get the upper hand over a potential Poagao presidency.

I’d thought that Spring was upon us, but these past few days, Winter has returned for a parting shot. The workers down on the shores of Bitan had better get a move on, or all their work will be washed away by the first typhoon if they’re not ready for it. At least it’s good sleeping weather; I’m usually woken up around 8am by the various streams surrounding the Water Curtain Cave, but when they subside I then go back to sleep until at least 11. Yeah, it’s a hard life.

Oh, and btw happy April Fool’s Day, damnit.

posted by Poagao at 5:02 am  


  1. does that mean our trip to Matsu is off? I guess Mazatlan is more sexy.

    Comment by Prince Roy — April 1, 2008 @ 8:30 am

  2. No, I won’t be going _that_ soon, or even before you leave Taiwan, probably. We’ll see.

    Comment by Poagao — April 1, 2008 @ 11:45 am

  3. mexico?????

    Comment by your sis — April 3, 2008 @ 5:24 pm

  4. It’s not true, of course. Happy April Fools Day!

    Comment by Poagao — April 4, 2008 @ 10:19 am

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